Chapter 4 SNP calling and filtering
We assessed the quality of raw reads using multiqc
(Ewels et al. 2016) and trimmed them with trimmomatic
(Bolger et al. 2014).
We kept only pair-end reads without adaptors and a phred score above 15 in a sliding window of 4.
Seventy percent of trimmed reads mapped off-targets using bwa
(Li & Durbin 2009).
We thus mapped trimmed reads on the hybrid reference built for the sequence capture experiment using bwa
(Li & Durbin 2009), picard
(Broad Institute 2018), samtools
(Li et al. 2009) and bedtools
(Quinlan & Hall 2010).
We called variants for each individual using HaplotypeCaller
, aggregated variants using GenomicsDBImport
and jointly-genotyped individuals using GenotypeGVCFs
all in GATK4
software (Auwera et al. 2013).
We filtered biallelic SNPs with a quality above 30, a quality by depth above 2, a Fisher strand bias below 60 and a strand odds ratio above 3 using GATK4
(Auwera et al. 2013).
Finally, we filtered individuals and SNPs for missing data with a maximum of 95% and 15% of missing data per individual and SNP, respectively, using plink2
(Chen et al. 2019).
We obtained 454,262 biallelic SNPs over 385 individuals without outgroups, that we used for population genetic analyses.
Since low-frequency alleles and linkage disequilibrium will bias the number of fixed loci and increase the number of false-positives in genomic scans for outliers (Foll & Gaggiotti 2008),
we built a second dataset for quantitative genomics and genomic scans, filtering variants with a minor allele frequency above 5% (18 individuals) and with linkage disequilibrium \(r^2<0.99\).
We further removed admixed individuals (see population genetic analyses for criteria) and retained 70,737 biallelic SNPs over 372 individuals.
4.1 Quality Check
We received demultiplexed libraries from sequencing. We checked sequences quality combining already produced fastqc and compared them with originally furnished (i) baits, (ii) targets, and (iii) references:
- Multi Quality Check: we used
to combinedfastqc
inputs for every library (1002 for forward and reverse individuals) and check sequences, counts, quality and GC content - Trimming: we trimmed sequences removing bad quality and adaptors sequences
- Targets mapping: we mapped 10 libraries on targets to check proportion of off-targets sequences
- Reference mapping: we mapped 10 libraries on hybrid reference to check proportion of off-reference sequences, and assess the need for de novo assembly of captured sequences (in case of a high proportion of off-reference sequences)
4.1.1 Multi Quality Check
We used multiqc
to combine fastqc
inputs for every library (1002 for forward and reverse individuals) and checked sequences, counts, quality and GC content.
cd ~/Documents/BIOGECO/PhD/data/Eschweilera_Paracou/Sequences/quality
multiqc fastqc
mkdir multiqc
mv multiqc_data/ multiqc_report.html L1.fastqc.tar.gz L2.fastqc.tar.gz multiqc Counts
We had a big heterogeneity of sample representativity (215 000 fold), but 85% of samples had more than 66 6667 sequences (ca 1M targets / 150 bp * 10X). Moreover, duplicated sequences were obviously more present in over-represented individuals, probably more linked to PCR biases than ro sequencing issues.

Figure 4.1: Sequence counts. Quality
Sequence quality was very good as the Phred score is above 25 for every base on all positions across all sequences.

Figure 4.2: Phred score. GC content
The mean GC content was 41.5 and only a few sequences had non expected global GC content or GC content across the sequence.

Figure 4.3: GC content across sequences.

Figure 4.4: GC content within sequences.
4.1.2 Trimming
We listed all libraries in text files and trimmed all libraries with trimmomatic
in pair end (PE
) into paired and unpaired compressed fastq files (fq.gz
We trimmed the adaptor (ILLUMINACLIP
) of our protocol (TruSeq3-PE
) with a seed mismatch of 2 (mismatched count allowed),
a threshold for clipping palindrome of 30 (authorized match for ligated adapters),
a threshold for simple clip of 10 (match between adapter and sequence),
a minimum adaptor length of 2,
and keeping both reads each time (keepBothReads
We trimmed sequences on phred score with a minimum of 15 in a sliding window of 4 (SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15
without trimming the beginning (LEADING:X
) or the end (TRAILING:X
Without surprise due to the high quality check of sequencing,
trimming resulted in 99.91% of paired trimmed reads compared to raw reads (4.5).
Thus the main issue of our dataset was more the representativity of sequences more than their quality.
data.frame(libraries = list.files(file.path(path, "Sequences", "raw"))) %>%
mutate(libraries = gsub("_R[12].fastq.gz", "", libraries)) %>%
unique() %>%
write_tsv(path = file.path(path, "Sequences", "libraries.txt"), col_names = F)
read_tsv(file.path(path, "Sequences", "libraries.txt"), col_names = "Library") %>%
sample_n(10) %>%
write_tsv(path = file.path(path, "Sequences", "libraries_mapping.txt"), col_names = F)
#SBATCH --time=36:00:00
#SBATCH -J trimming
#SBATCH -o trimming_output.out
#SBATCH -e trimming_error.out
#SBATCH --mem=20G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
module load bioinfo/Trimmomatic-0.36
for library in $(cat libraries.txt)
java -jar $TRIM_HOME/trimmomatic.jar PE \
raw/"$library"_R1.fastq.gz raw/"$library"_R2.fastq.gz \
trimmed/paired/"$library"_R1_paired.fq.gz trimmed/unpaired/"$library"_R1_unpaired.fq.gz \
trimmed/paired/"$library"_R2_paired.fq.gz trimmed/unpaired/"$library"_R2_unpaired.fq.gz \
ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10:2:keepBothReads \
cat trimmed/paired_stat.txt
for file in $(ls trimmed/paired)
zcat trimmed/paired/$file | echo $file" "$((`wc -l`/4)) >> trimmed/paired_stat.txt
cat trimmed/unpaired_stat.txt
for file in $(ls trimmed/unpaired)
zcat trimmed/unpaired/$file | echo $file" "$((`wc -l`/4)) >> trimmed/unpaired_stat.txt

Figure 4.5: Trimming results.
4.1.3 Targets mapping
We mapped every library on the hybrid reference to check off-reference sequences, and assess the need for de novo assembly, in case many sequences would not map on the reference. Globally we had a low coverage of the reference (median of 19%, Fig. 4.6) but reads were 79% to 88% on-reference (Fig. 4.1) ! Finally, we had a median of 4Mb covered with 10X on reference, which is 4 times what we designed in probes. Consequently, we won’t need de novo assembly and will proceed to read mapping for every library on the built reference, already partly annotated.
#SBATCH --time=36:00:00
#SBATCH -J targetsMapping
#SBATCH -o targetsMapping_output.out
#SBATCH -e targetsMapping_error.out
#SBATCH --mem=20G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
module purge
module load bioinfo/bwa-0.7.15
module load bioinfo/picard-2.14.1
module load bioinfo/samtools-1.4
module load bioinfo/bedtools-2.26.0
bwa index $targets
for library in $(cat libraries_mapping.txt)
bwa mem -M -R "${rg}" -t 16 $targets trimmed/paired/"$library"_R1_paired.fq.gz trimmed/paired/"$library"_R2_paired.fq.gz > targetsMapping/sam/"${library}.sam"
java -Xmx4g -jar $PICARD SortSam I=targetsMapping/sam/"${library}.sam" O=targetsMapping/bam/"${library}".bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate
java -Xmx4g -jar $PICARD BuildBamIndex I=targetsMapping/bam/"${library}".bam O=targetsMapping/bam/"${filename}".bai
samtools index targetsMapping/bam/"${library}".bam
bedtools bamtobed -i =targetsMapping/bam/"${library}".bam > targetsMapping/bed/"${library}".bed
bedtools merge -i targetsMapping/bed/"${library}".bed > targetsMapping/merged_bed/"${library}".bed
touch readsMappingStat.txt
for file in $(ls bam/*.bam)
samtools flagstat $file | echo $file" "$(grep "mapped (") >> readsMappingStat.txt

Figure 4.6: Reads alignment coverage on targets. Distribution has been cut at 2000X.
Library | Reads mapped | Percentage of reads mapped |
P7-3-2806 | 358925 | 28.22 |
BCI-SG14 | 950 | 27.15 |
BCI-SG47 | 16677 | 27.18 |
P11-2-240 | 1064 | 19.25 |
P14-2-2842 | 607526 | 23.85 |
P2-2-675 | 499249 | 28.01 |
P4-2-2657 | 784026 | 26.77 |
P5-3-2202 | 722215 | 30.28 |
P6-3-2800 | 474588 | 20.19 |
P6-4-2867 | 1210288 | 19.31 |
P7-3-2806 | 358925 | 28.22 |
4.1.4 Reference mapping
We mapped every library on hybrid reference to check off-reference sequences, and assess de novo usefulness. Globally we had a low coverage of the reference (median of 19%, 4.7) but reads were 79% to 88% on-reference (4.2) ! Finally, we had a median of 4Mb covered with 10X on reference, which is 4 times what we designed in probes. Consequently, we won’t need de novo assembly and will proceed to read mapping for every library on the built reference, already partly annotated.
#SBATCH --time=36:00:00
#SBATCH -J referenceMapping
#SBATCH -o treferenceMapping_output.out
#SBATCH -e referenceMapping_error.out
#SBATCH --mem=20G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
module purge
module load bioinfo/bwa-0.7.15
module load bioinfo/picard-2.14.1
module load bioinfo/samtools-1.4
module load bioinfo/bedtools-2.26.0
cat ../../Symphonia_Genomic/neutral_selection/merged.fasta > referenceMapping/reference.fasta
bwa index $reference
for library in $(cat libraries_mapping.txt)
bwa mem -M -R "${rg}" -t 16 $reference trimmed/paired/"$library"_R1_paired.fq.gz trimmed/paired/"$library"_R2_paired.fq.gz > referenceMapping/sam/"${library}.sam"
java -Xmx4g -jar $PICARD SortSam I=referenceMapping/sam/"${library}.sam" O=referenceMapping/bam/"${library}".bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate
java -Xmx4g -jar $PICARD BuildBamIndex I=referenceMapping/bam/"${library}".bam O=referenceMapping/bam/"${filename}".bai
samtools index targetsMapping/bam/"${library}".bam
bedtools bamtobed -i =referenceMapping/bam/"${library}".bam > referenceMapping/bed/"${library}".bed
bedtools merge -i referenceMapping/bed/"${library}".bed > referenceMapping/merged_bed/"${library}".bed
touch readsMappingStat.txt
for file in $(ls bam/*.bam)
samtools flagstat $file | echo $file" "$(grep "mapped (") >> readsMappingStat.txt

Figure 4.7: Reads alignment coverage on reference. Distribution has been cut at 2000X.
Library | Reads mapped | Percentage of reads mapped |
BCI-SG14 | 3232 | 85.28 |
BCI-SG47 | 57142 | 85.57 |
P11-2-240 | 4669 | 78.74 |
P14-2-2842 | 2384919 | 85.85 |
P2-2-675 | 1684774 | 86.47 |
P4-2-2657 | 2717886 | 85.82 |
P5-3-2202 | 2276779 | 87.75 |
P6-3-2800 | 2161522 | 84.74 |
P6-4-2867 | 5707686 | 83.93 |
P7-3-2806 | 1153783 | 83.91 |
4.2 Mapping
We proceeded to read mapping for every library on the built reference, already partly annotated:
- Repeats merging: 41 libraries were repeated, we merged their fastq files before mapping to increase their information before variant calling
- Reads mapping: we mapped every library in pair end with
bwa mem
on the hybrid reference from Ivan Scotti and Sanna Olsson used to build the targets - Reference sequences: we built bedtools for every alignment in order to list sequences with matches in the reference to be used to reduce the explored reference area in variant calling
4.2.1 Repeats merging
41 libraries were repeated, we merged their FASTQ to increase their information before variant calling. Merging repeats confirmed the presence of all 430 individuals at the end of the alignment (402 from Paracou, 20 from herbariums, and 8 from BCI, Itubera and La Selva).
#SBATCH --time=36:00:00
#SBATCH -J compression
#SBATCH -o compression_output.out
#SBATCH -e compression_error.out
#SBATCH --mem=4G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
module purge
mkdir trimmed.paired
for file in $(ls paired/*)
mv $file trimmed.paired/$(basename $(echo $file | sed -e 's/_[[:alpha:]]*-[[:alpha:]]*-[[:alnum:]]*//'))
rm -r paired
cp ../libraries.txt ./
cat libraries.txt | sed -e 's/_[[:alpha:]]*-[[:alpha:]]*-[[:alnum:]]*_L00[56]//' | sort | uniq | sed -e 's/-b//' | sort | uniq > libraries.uniq.txt
mkdir trimmed.paired.joined
for ind in $(cat libraries.uniq.txt)
echo $ind
cat trimmed.paired/$ind*_R1_paired.fq.gz > trimmed.paired.joined/"$ind"_R1_paired.fq.gz
cat trimmed.paired/$ind*_R2_paired.fq.gz > trimmed.paired.joined/"$ind"_R2_paired.fq.gz
rm -r trimmed.paired
tar -zcvf $name.tar.gz $folder
4.2.2 Reads mapping
We mapped every library in pair end with bwa mem
on the hybrid reference from Ivan Scotti and Sanna Olsson used to build the targets (32 alignments with 2 processes on 64 cores of 1 node of the genologin computer cluster at Genotoul, Toulouse). We had globally a good mapping with more than 80% of the reads mapped for 98% of the libraries (Figure 4.8).
#SBATCH --time=48:00:00
#SBATCH -J mapping
#SBATCH -o mapping_output.out
#SBATCH -e mapping_error.out
#SBATCH --mem=160G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=64
module purge
module load bioinfo/bwa-0.7.15
module load bioinfo/picard-2.14.1
module load bioinfo/samtools-1.4
module load bioinfo/bedtools-2.26.0
echo MAPPING "$1"
bwa mem -M -R "@RG\tID:$1\tSM:$1\tPL:HiSeq4K" \
-t 2 \
reference/reference.fasta \
trimming/trimmed.paired.joined/"$1"_R1_paired.fq.gz \
trimming/trimmed.paired.joined/"$1"_R2_paired.fq.gz \
> mapping/sam/"$1".sam
rm trimming/trimmed.paired.joined/"$1"_R1_paired.fq.gz
rm trimming/trimmed.paired.joined/"$1"_R2_paired.fq.gz
java -Xmx4g -jar $PICARD SortSam \
I=mapping/sam/"$1".sam \
rm mapping/sam/"$1".sam
samtools index mapping/bam2/"$1".bam
mkdir mapping/sam
mkdir mapping/bam2
for library in $(cat unmapped.txt)
((i=i%N)); ((i++==0)) && wait
task "$library" &
rm -r mapping/sam
# folders
mkdir mappingStat
touch readsMappingStat.txt
# test
file=$(ls bam*/*.bam | head -n 1)
module load bioinfo/samtools-1.4 ; samtools flagstat $file | echo $file" "$(grep "mapped (") >> readsMappingStat.txt
cat readsMappingStat.txt
rm readsMappingStat.txt
touch readsMappingStat.txt
# sarray
for file in $(ls bam*/*.bam); do echo 'module load bioinfo/samtools-1.4 ; samtools flagstat '$file' | echo '$file'" "$(grep "mapped (") >> readsMappingStat.txt'; done >
sarray -J mappingStat -o mappingStat/%j.out -e mappingStat/%j.err -t 1:00:00 --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL
# clean
rm -r mappingStat

Figure 4.8: Mapping result
4.2.3 Reference sequences
We built bedtools for every alignment in order to list sequences with matches in the reference to be used to reduce the explored reference areas in variant calling. 99.98% of reference sequences had at least one library matching (Fig. 4.9). Consequently we used all sequences from the reference in the variant calling. Some reference sections were underrepresented in our libraries but they have been removed at the SNP filtering stage..
# folders
mkdir bed
mkdir bed.out
# test
file=$(ls bam*/*.bam | head -n 1)
module load bioinfo/bedtools-2.26.0 ; bedtools bamtobed -i $file > bed/$(basename "${file%.*}").bed
rm bed/*
# sarray
for file in $(ls bam*/*.bam); do echo 'module load bioinfo/bedtools-2.26.0 ; file='$file' ; bedtools bamtobed -i $file > bed/$(basename "${file%.*}").bed'; done >
sarray -J bed -o bed.out/%j.out -e bed.out/%j.err -t 1:00:00 --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL
# clean
rm -r bed.out
# statistics
mkdir bed.out
touch referenceMappedStats.txt
for file in $(ls bed/*.bed); do echo "cut $file -f1 | sort | uniq | awk -v file="$(basename "${file%.*}")" '{print \$1, file}' >> referenceMappedStats.txt" ; done >
sarray -J bed -o bed.out/%j.out -e bed.out/%j.err -t 1:00:00 --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL
rm -r bed.out

Figure 4.9: Sequences from reference alignment with reads from all libraries.
4.3 Variant call
We used GATK
as it has apparently similar performance to other variant callers (Supernat et al. 2018) and was more known by Myriam.
For that we used the following pipeline:
- Variant calling Run the
on each sample’s BAM files to create single-sample gVCFs using the.g.vcf
extension for the output file. - Data aggregation Aggregate the GVCF files and feed in one GVCF with
to be genotyped - Joint genotyping Run
on all of them together to create the raw SNP and indel VCFs that are usually emitted by the callers.
4.3.1 Variant calling
Run the HaplotypeCaller
on each sample’s BAM files to create single-sample gVCFs using the .g.vcf
extension for the output file.
We used sarray
which is much more powerful than sbatch
in parallel computing.
# folders
mkdir variantCalling/gvcf5
# test
file=$(ls mapping/bam5/*.bam | head -n 1)
srun --mem=20G --pty bash
module load bioinfo/gatk- ; gatk --java-options "-Xmx20G" HaplotypeCaller -R reference/reference.fasta -I $file -O variantCalling/gvcf4/$(basename "${file%.*}").g.vcf.gz -ERC GVCF
rm variantCalling/gvcf4/*
# sarray
for file in $(ls mapping/bam5/*.bam); do echo "module load bioinfo/gatk- ; gatk --java-options \"-Xmx20G\" HaplotypeCaller -R reference/reference.fasta -I $file -O variantCalling/gvcf5/$(basename "${file%.*}").g.vcf.gz -ERC GVCF"; done >
mkdir haplo5
sarray -J haplo5 -o haplo5/%j.out -e haplo5/%j.err -t 48:00:00 --mem=20G --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL
# clean
rm -r haplo5
rm -r tmp
4.3.2 Data aggregation
We aggregated the GVCF files and fed them into one GVCF database with GenomicsDBImport
to be genotyped.
Beware, GATK
does not deal with multiple intervals when using GenomicsDBImport
, so we used GATK
We divided the step into several interval files of a maximum of 1000 sequences computed in parallel to speed up the operation.
NB, we tested the pipeline with 3 individual haplotypes and 10 intervals of 100 sequences run in parallel; and it took 24 minutes.
Consequently with 10 fold more sequences per interval we may increase to 4H, and the effect of 10 fold more individual haplotypes is hard to assess.
Due to a memory overload on the cluster I boosted the sarray
to 24G per node beside limiting gatk
java session to 20G, still the overload is strange as if gatk
was opening a parallel session of 20G java.
We should not decrease batch size as a batch of 50 individuals means that we will use 9 batches !
If memory issues persist we may decrease the interval length (currently 1000 sequences) and increase the number of jobs in sarray
We may even decrease intervals to 100 sequences resulting in more than 800 jobs and run them by batch of 100 if they are really more efficient.
Running a first batch of 10 samples on 100 sequences took 35 minutes. Thus 432 samples should take ca 1 day and 40 minutes. This is the first run of DB among 8, so in total DB build should take 8 days ! But on the other hand joint genotyping might be launched on each run as soon as they finish. So we might clean the first vcf and obtain a preview of population genetics structure with the first 100 sequences.
# Sample map
touch sample_map.txt
for file in $(ls gvcf*/*.g.vcf.gz)
echo -e $(basename "${file%.*}")"\t"$file >> sample_map.txt
# seq lists
mkdir reference.sequences.lists
cut ../reference/reference.fasta.fai -f1 > reference.sequences.lists/reference.sequences.list
cd reference.sequences.lists
split -l 100 -d reference.sequences.list reference.sequences_ --additional-suffix=.list
rm reference.sequences.list
ls | wc -l
cd ..
# folders
mkdir tmp
mkdir symcaptureDB
# test
srun --mem=24G --pty bash
file=$(ls reference.sequences.lists/ | head -n 1)
module load bioinfo/gatk- ; gatk --java-options "-Xmx20g -Xms20g" GenomicsDBImport --genomicsdb-workspace-path symcaptureDB/"${file%.*}".DB -L reference.sequences.lists/$file --sample-name-map sample_map.txt --batch-size 50 --tmp-dir=tmp
rm -r symcaptureDB/*
rm tmp/*
# sarray
for file in $(ls reference.sequences.lists/); do echo "module load bioinfo/gatk- ; gatk --java-options \"-Xmx20g -Xms20g\" GenomicsDBImport --genomicsdb-workspace-path symcaptureDB/\"${file%.*}\".DB -L reference.sequences.lists/$file --sample-name-map sample_map.txt --batch-size 10 --consolidate"; done >
split -l 207 -d combine_
mkdir combine
sarray -J combine -o combine/%j.out -e combine/%j.err -t 48:00:00 --mem=40G --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL
rm -r combine
rm -r tmp
# clean
rm -r combine
rm -r tmp
4.3.3 Joint genotyping
We joint-genotyped individuals with GenotypeGVCFs on all of them together to create the raw SNP and indel VCFs that are usually emitted by the callers.
We divided the step into several intervals with a maximum of 1000 sequences computed in parallel to speed up the operation (similarly to the previous step).
NB, we tested the pipeline with 3 individual haplotypes and 10 intervals of 100 sequences run in parallel; and it took 6 minutes.
Consequently with 10 fold more sequences per interval we may increase to 1H,
and the effect of 10 fold more individual haplotypes is hard to assess.
Then we merged genotypes of all intervals with GatherVcfs
from Picard
in one raw VCF to be filtered.
# folders
mkdir tmp
mkdir symcapture.vcf.gz
# test
file=$(ls reference.sequences.lists/ | head -n 1)
srun --mem=20G --pty bash
module load bioinfo/gatk- ; gatk --java-options "-Xmx20g" GenotypeGVCFs -R ../reference/reference.fasta -L reference.sequences.lists/$file -V gendb://symcaptureDB/$file -O symcapture.vcf.gz/"${file%.*}".vcf.gz
rm tmp/*
rm symcapture.vcf.gz/*
# sarray
for file in $(ls reference.sequences.lists); do echo "module load bioinfo/gatk- ; gatk --java-options \"-Xmx20g\" GenotypeGVCFs -R ../reference/reference.fasta -L reference.sequences.lists/$file -V gendb://symcaptureDB/${file%.*}.DB -O symcapture.vcf.gz/${file%.*}.vcf.gz"; done >
mkdir genotype
sarray -J genotype -o genotype.array/%j.out -e genotype.array/%j.err -t 48:00:00 --mem=20G --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL
# clean
rm -r genotype.array
rm -r tmp
# merge
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n#SBATCH --time=48:00:00\n#SBATCH -J gather\n#SBATCH -o gather.out\n#SBATCH -e gather.err\n#SBATCH --mem=20G\n#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1\n#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL\nmodule load bioinfo/picard-2.14.1\njava -Xmx20g -jar $PICARD GatherVcfs \' >
for file in $(ls symcapture.vcf.gz/*.gz)
echo -e '\tI='$file' \' >>
echo -e '\tO=symcapture.all.raw.vcf.gz\n' >>
4.4 Variant filtering
We filtered the previously produced raw vcf with several steps:
- Gather raw vcf files which resulted in 26 813 513 variants over 432 individuals
- Biallelic raw vcf filtering which resulted in 19 242 294 variants over 432 individuals
- SNP biallelic vcf filtering which resulted in 17 521 879 variants over 432 individuals
- Filters biallelic snps which resulted in 15 531 866 variants over 432 individuals
- Missing filtered biallelic snp vcf filtering which resulted in 454 262 variants over 406 individuals
- Paracou filtered & non missing biallelic snp vcf filtering which resulted in 454 262 variants over 385 individuals
4.4.1 Gather
We first gathered all raw vcf files. Individuals genotyping lost 42 reference scaffolds (over 878, 4%) in few batches of individuals, which blocked the functioning of gatk CombineVariants
. We thus removed the variants associated with these 42 reference scaffolds. We obtained 26 813 513 variants.
mkdir out
mkdir missing_ind
for file in $(ls symcapture.filtered.vcf/*.vcf.gz) ; do file=$(basename $file) ; file=${file%.*} ; echo "module load bioinfo/tabix-0.2.5 ; module load bioinfo/vcftools-0.1.15 ; vcftools --gzvcf symcapture.filtered.vcf/$file.gz --missing-indv -c > missing_ind/$file.missing.txt"; done >
sarray -J missingInd -o out/%j.missingInd.out -e out/%j.missingInd.err -t 1:00:00 --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL
for file in $(ls missing_ind/*.missing.txt) ; do awk '{{if (NR!=1) print FILENAME"\t"$0}}' $file ; done > missingInd.txt
rm - r out
rm -r missing_ind
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n#SBATCH --time=48:00:00\n#SBATCH -J gather\n#SBATCH -o gather.out\n#SBATCH -e gather.err\n#SBATCH --mem=20G\n#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1\n#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL\nmodule load bioinfo/picard-2.14.1\njava -Xmx20g -jar $PICARD GatherVcfs \' >
for file in $(cat nonmissing.list)
echo -e '\tI=symcapture.raw.vcf/'$(basename $file)' \' >>
echo -e '\tO=symcapture.all.raw.vcf.gz\n' >>
zcat symcapture.all.raw.vcf.gz | grep "#contig" | wc -l
4.4.2 Biallelic
We then used bcftools
to limit data to biallelic variants (--max-alleles 2
), resulting in 19 242 294 biallelic variants.
4.4.3 SNP
We then used gatk
to limit data to biallelic snps,
resulting in 17 521 879 biallelic snps.
module load bioinfo/gatk-
gatk IndexFeatureFile \
-F symcapture.all.biallelic.vcf.gz
gatk SelectVariants \
-V symcapture.all.biallelic.vcf.gz \
-select-type SNP \
-O symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.vcf.gz
gatk IndexFeatureFile \
-F symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.vcf.gz
module load bioinfo/bcftools-1.8
bcftools stats --threads 8 symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.vcf.gz
4.4.4 Filters
We filtered the biallelic snp vcf with following filters (name, filter, description), resulting in 15 531 866 filtered biallelic snps,
using next histograms to set and test parameters values :
- Quality (QUAL)
QUAL < 30
: represents the likelihood of the site to be homozygous across all samples, we filter out variants having a low quality score (4.10) - Quality depth (QD)
QD < 2
: filter out variants with low variant confidence (4.10) - Fisher strand bias (FS)
FS > 60
: filter out variants based on Phred-scaled p-value using Fisher’s exact test to detect strand bias (4.10) - Strand odd ratio (SOR)
SOR < 3
: filter out variants based on Phred-scaled p-value used to detect strand bias (4.10)
vcftools --gzvcf reference.sequences_00.vcf.gz --missing-indv -c
vcftools --gzvcf reference.sequences_00.vcf.gz --missing-site -c > missing.txt
vcftools --gzvcf reference.sequences_00.vcf.gz --site-quality -c > QUAL.txt
vcftools --gzvcf reference.sequences_00.vcf.gz \
--get-INFO AC \
--get-INFO AF \
--get-INFO QD \
--get-INFO FS \
--get-INFO SOR \
-c > INFO.txt

Figure 4.10: Quality, quality by depth, Fisher strand and strand odds ratios for biallelic SNPs.
module load bioinfo/gatk-
gatk VariantFiltration \
-V symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.vcf.gz \
--filter-expression "QUAL < 30.0 || QD < 2.0 || FS > 60.0 || SOR > 3.0" \
--filter-name "FAIL" \
-O symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.intermediate.vcf.gz
gatk SelectVariants \
-V symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.intermediate.vcf.gz \
--exclude-filtered \
-O symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered.vcf.gz
module load bioinfo/bcftools-1.8
bcftools stats --threads 8 symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered.vcf.gz
gatk IndexFeatureFile \
-F symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered.vcf.gz
4.4.5 Missing data
Missing data filtering is a bit more tricky because missing data of SNPs and individuals are related,
e.g. removing individuals with a lot of missing data results in the decrease of SNPs. Ideally, we wanted to keep all individuals, but this would result in a lot of SNP loss because of least represented individuals.
So we needed to choose a threshold for missing data for individuals --mind
and SNPs --geno
module load bioinfo/plink_high_contig_20190905
module load bioinfo/plink2_high_contig_20190905
mkdir filtered
plink2 --threads 8 --memory 80000 \
--vcf symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered.vcf.gz \
--allow-extra-chr \
--make-bed --out filtered/symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered
cd filtered
plink --threads 8 --memory 80000 \
--bfile symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered \
--allow-extra-chr --missing --het --freq --pca --freqx \
--out symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered

Figure 4.11: Missing data statistics for filtered biallelic SNPs before missing data filtering per individual.

Figure 4.12: Missing data statistics for filtered biallelic SNPs before missing data filtering per SNP.
4.4.6 Normal filter
With a maximum of 95% of missing data per individual --mind 0.95
and a maximum of 15% of missing data per SNP -geno 0.15
we obtained 454 262 biallelic filtered snps for 406 individuals.
module load bioinfo/plink_high_contig_20190905
module load bioinfo/plink2_high_contig_20190905
mkdir nonmissing
plink2 --threads 8 --memory 80000 \
--bfile filtered/symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered \
--allow-extra-chr \
--mind 0.95 --geno 0.15 \
--make-bed --out nonmissing/symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered.nonmissing
cd nonmissing
plink --threads 8 --memory 80000 \
--bfile symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered.nonmissing \
--allow-extra-chr --missing --het --freqx --pca \
--out symcapture.all.biallelic.snp.filtered.nonmissing

Figure 4.13: Missing data statistics for filtered biallelic SNPs after missing data filtering (95% for individuals and 15% for SNPs) per individual.

Figure 4.14: Missing data statistics for filtered biallelic SNPs after missing data filtering (95% for individuals and 15% for SNPs) per SNP.

Figure 4.15: Heterozygosity statistics for filtered biallelic SNPs after missing data filtering (95% for individuals and 15% for SNPs) per SNP.
4.4.7 Paracou
Finally, we subseted the filtered and biallelic SNPs to individuals from Paracou only, resulting in 385 remaining individuals (17 lost !).
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