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Chapter 2 Field data

This chapter define sampled species and individuals. Specifically, this chapter details:

  • Collected species
  • Individuals from the METRADICA project
  • Candidates with varying DBH and TWI
  • Field maps

2.1 Species

We selected 10 species (Tab. 2.1) common with the METRADICA project representative of the tree phylogeny in Paracou (Fig. 2.1).

Table 2.1: Studied species.
Genus Species
Casearia javitensis
Chrysophyllum prieurii
Conceveiba guianensis
Gustavia hexapetala
Jacaranda copaia subsp. copaia
Laetia procera
Protium stevensonii
Tachigali melinonii
Virola michelii
Virola surinamensis
Selected species phylogeny.

Figure 2.1: Selected species phylogeny.


This subparagraph details collected or wrong individuals in METRADICA (Tab. 2.2) and Marion’s candidates (Tab. 2.2, & Fig. 2.2), but candidates of the project will be focused on P16 independently from her candidates and adjusted in the field.

Table 2.2: Sumary of individuals (from 202012_SelectionIndividus_V5.4.xlsx)
TaxonActu Candidate Measured Wrong
Casearia javitensis 9 5 1
Chrysophyllum prieurii 56 12 5
Conceveiba guianensis 43 18 9
Gustavia hexapetala 87 4 4
Jacaranda copaia subsp. copaia 28 18 17
Laetia procera 10 9 1
Protium stevensonii 12 4 NA
Tachigali melinonii 34 18 4
Virola michelii 55 7 NA
Virola surinamensis 6 1 NA
Table 2.3: Sumary of candidates (from FTH2021_SelectionIndividus_V5.5.xlsx)
TaxonActu 1 11 13 14 15 16 18(Guyaflux) 6
Casearia_javitensis 1 3 4 1
Chrysophyllum_prieurii 3 1 1 17 1
Conceveiba_guianensis 1 1 8 1
Gustavia_hexapetala 23 5 9 4 5
Jacaranda_copaia subsp. copaia 3 2 3 4
Laetia_procera 7 1 2
Protium_stevensonii 1 1 6
Tachigali_melinonii 2 1 8 1 2
Virola_michelii 1 1 23
Virola_surinamensis 1 5

Figure 2.2: Marion’s candidates in P16.

2.3 Candidates

We selected 15 individuals per species in P16 (10 + 5 extras) minimizing DBH variation while maximizing TWI variation (Fig. 2.3, Tab. 2.4, Fig. 2.4). We are lacking individuals for Casearia javitensis, Protium stevensonii, and Virola surinamensis.

DBH and TWI of candidates in P16.

Figure 2.3: DBH and TWI of candidates in P16.

Table 2.4: Candidates in P16.
taxon Nsel N
Casearia_javitensis 8 8
Chrysophyllum_prieurii 15 55
Conceveiba_guianensis 15 133
Gustavia_hexapetala 15 238
Jacaranda_copaia subsp. copaia 15 88
Laetia_procera 15 17
Protium_stevensonii 6 6
Tachigali_melinonii 15 64
Virola_michelii 15 92
Virola_surinamensis 6 6

Figure 2.4: Candidates in P16.

2.4 Maps

Maps were automatically built using sf and ggplot2 and save in the folder maps:

contour <- st_read("data/ContourLinesPlots/ContourLinePlots.shp", quiet = T)
crs_rot = "+proj=omerc +lat_0=36.934 +lonc=-90.849 +alpha=0 +k_0=.7 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +gamma=20"
make_map <- function(file, title, subplots){
  sublimits <- filter(limits, Plot == 16, Subplot %in% subplots) %>% 
    st_transform(crs = crs_rot)
  subcontour <- st_transform(contour, crs = crs_rot) %>% st_crop(sublimits)
  subcandidates <- filter(candidates, candidate == 1, SubPlot %in% subplots) %>% 
    st_transform(crs = crs_rot) %>% 
    mutate(label = paste0("P", Plot, "-", SubPlot, "-", TreeFieldNum, "_", substr(Genus, 1, 3), substr(Species, 1, 3), "_", round(DBH)))
  g <- ggplot() +
    geom_sf(data = subcontour, fill = NA, col = "lightgrey") +
    geom_sf(data = sublimits, fill = NA, col = "darkgrey", aes(text = subplots)) +
    geom_sf_text(data = sublimits, aes(label = Subplot), colour = "darkgrey") +
    geom_sf(data = subcandidates, col = "black") +
      data = subcandidates,
      aes(label = label, geometry = geometry),
      stat = "sf_coordinates",
      min.segment.length = 0
    ) +
    theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), 
          axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.line = element_blank()) +
    scale_color_discrete(guide = "none") +
  ggsave(g, file = file, path = 'maps', width = 297, height = 420, unit = 'mm', dpi = 300)

2.5 Extra FTH

Candidate individuals from the P16 were not enough for the FTH field campaign. We added individuals from the P6:

2.6 Extra Post - FTH

Individuals were still missing after the FTH field campaign. We added individuals from the P16:

2.7 Leaf variation

For the leaf variation within individual we sampled across the 27 Virola michelii from the P16 that followed our requirements (DBH between 30th and 60th quantiles):

Figure 2.5: Candidates in P16.