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Chapter 8 Meetings

8.1 20/01/22 - Ecophysio+

Sylvain’s notes:

  • Gmax in PCA? (to be discussed in a future meeting with Daniela, Marion, Géraldine, and Sylvain)
  • Hydraulic orthogonal to LES for Daniela’s interspecifc results too
  • Explore virtually and with data the methodology for the PCA too with bootstrap to make a paper focused on methodology
  • Traits are hydric but not hydraulic (compared to wood structure for isntance)
  • We do not overlap Camille and Sebastien’s work
  • Ecological interpretations of the results, especially regarding PCAs, could be excluded from a first methodological paper but included in the paper of Daneila on covariations at the community level to give insights into the within species variation
  • The Ptlp-LSWC link is related to an avoidance strategy
  • followings are post-meeting
  • We should take time to think about the split of results across two papers (not feel forced by the meeting)
  • In case reviewers ask for more data (especially at the sample or measurement level) we can always justify the impossibility because of the seasonality and climate standardization referring to Schmitt et al. (2022)
  • Need to do a meeting with Daniela, Marion, Géraldine, and Sylvain
  • Regarding PCAs with field data in the potential methodology manuscript:
    • include in methodology paper
    • describe the result as potential spectrum without details in the results section
    • avoid to discuss it in discussion an keep it for Dani’s “ecology” paper

8.2 7/02/22 Marion & Sylvain

Sylvain’s notes:

  • Schedule meeting Daniela & Geraldine
  • Data
    • Schedule CC measurement error
    • add corrected gmin SS
    • test gmin inference with MARS SS
    • clean species names in DB SS
    • deposit DB on TRY SS
  • Analyses
    • Compute all pairwise correlations (not only T1) SS
    • Update gmin in results SS
    • Compute metrics for virtual analyses for bias (mean or median error) and uncertainty (variance in the estimate) MB
  • Writing
    • Choose between “hydraulic traits” and “water-related” traits (see S. Trueba pers. com.) SS
    • Introduction
      • Hook MB
      • Trait MB
      • Intraspecific variation MB
      • Sampling SS
      • Our work SS
    • M&Ms
      • Virtual SS
      • Field MB
      • Analyses MB
    • Results
      • Virtual SS
      • Field MB
    • Discussion waiting for the other parts