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Chapter 7 Literature

7.1 Hajek et al. (2016)

  • ITV hydraulics unknown (even temperate)
  • high intra-site but low inter-site/provenance variation of hydraulic traits
  • P88 show significant genetic differentiation with provenance

7.2 Lobo et al. (2018)

  • Non-significant variation of P50 in Quercus petraea

7.3 Westerband et al. (2021)

  • Huge review on ITV
  • Hydraulic ITV is understudied
  • 6 to 42 % for hydraulic properties depending on the trait (Rosas et al., 2019)

7.4 Martínez-Vilalta et al. (2009)

  • leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity (KS and KL), vulnerability to embolism
  • between-population variability was high for most of the hydraulic traits studied, but it was directly associated with climate dryness

7.5 Rosas et al. (2019)

  • inter- and intraspecific variability of LMA, N, d13C, WD, Hv, Hydraulic conductivity, P50
  • Family explained the largest amount of variability
  • Intraspecific variability was also relevant
  • Species occupying wetter sites showed higher N, P50 and Ptlp, and lower LMA, d13C and Hv.
  • Within species water explained Hv and Ptlp

7.6 Kannenberg et al. (2021)

  • popular but controversial concept of a continuum from isohydry to anisohydry.
  • The ‘isohydry– anisohydry’ framework, which classifies plant species based on the sensitivity of water potential as water availability declines, is an especially popular approach for describing a water-use strategy
  • there may be intraspecific variability in water- use strategies due to macro- scale couplings between soil moisture and atmospheric drivers, or as a function of site- to- site differences in rooting depth caused by subsurface variability
  • research on plant water- use strategies should differentiate between water flow and water status regulation
  • Trait means from a database likely inadequately represent the complex realities of plant water use, especially when such means obscure important spatio- temporal and intraspecific variability
  • The idea that there is significant plasticity in plant water-use strategy metrics is gaining empirical support.
  • low intraspecific variability are necessary to apply these metrics at broad scales

7.7 Guillemot et al. (2022)

  • Maréchaux et al. (2020) \(\pi_{TLP}\) is weakly correlated to LMA, LA, Nmass, Pmass, Kmass, Camass, Mgmass, delta13C, Cmass, Amass, gw
  • \(\pi_{TLP}\), branch P50, LMA, LA, N, P, WD, Hmax, seed mass.
  • Thus, predicted values replaced 31% of the PCA dataset that was missing.
  • “we performed a linear mixed model with genus, family and order, treated as nested random effects on the intercept (Chave et al., 2006)” beware sampling effect
  • LA, seed mass and max height in the stature recruitment spectrum
  • LMA, N, P, WD in fast slow spectrum
  • \(\pi_{TLP}\) correlated with fast slow spectrum P, LMA, WD as opposed to us with no correlation of SLA and \(\pi_{TLP}\) while \(\pi_{TLP}\) is correlated to LA.
  • Inter-species variation in xylem resistance to embolism (P50), and not leaf turgor loss point (TLP), determines the hydraulic safety margin (HSM) of tropical woody species
  • P50 and TLP exhibit a weak phylogenetic signal and substantial variation within genera
  • TLP is strongly associated with the fast-slow trait axis (more negative in slow species), while P50 is associated with both the fast-slow and stature- recruitment trait axes (more negative in slow and small stature species). In total contradiction with our results!
  • BUT our results are in agreement with Maréchaux et al. (2020)
  • relevance of TLP as an indicator of drought tolerance and species preference for dryer habitats in the tropics (Bartlett et al., 2012; Kunert et al., 2021)
  • They also suggest that TLP and P50 are the result of repeated evolutionary adaptations of closely related taxa, which radiate to different habitats (Fig. 3, Oliveira et al., 2019) => Topographic adaptations
  • safety-efficiency trade-off in stomatal control (Henry et al., 2019) is integral to the fast-slow axis in tropical woody species

7.8 Maréchaux et al. (2020)


Guillemot, J., Martin‐StPaul, N.K., Bulascoschi, L., Poorter, L., Morin, X., Pinho, B.X., Maire, G., Bittencourt, P., Oliveira, R.S., Bongers, F., Brouwer, R., Pereira, L., Melo, G.A.G., Boonman, C.C.F., Brown, K.A., Cerabolini, B.E.L., Niinemets, Ü., Onoda, Y., Schneider, J.V., Sheremetiev, S. & Brancalion, P.H.S. (2022). Small and slow is safe: on the drought tolerance of tropical tree species. Global Change Biology, 0–3.

Hajek, P., Kurjak, D., Von Wühlisch, G., Delzon, S. & Schuldt, B. (2016). Intraspecific variation in wood anatomical, hydraulic, and foliar traits in ten European beech provenances differing in growth yield. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 1–14.

Kannenberg, S.A., Guo, J.S., Novick, K.A., Anderegg, W.R.L., Feng, X., Kennedy, D., Konings, A.G., Martínez‐Vilalta, J. & Matheny, A.M. (2021). Opportunities, challenges and pitfalls in characterizing plant water‐use strategies. Functional Ecology, 1–14.

Lobo, A., Torres-Ruiz, J.M., Burlett, R., Lemaire, C., Parise, C., Francioni, C., Truffaut, L., Tomášková, I., Hansen, J.K., Kjær, E.D., Kremer, A. & Delzon, S. (2018). Assessing inter- and intraspecific variability of xylem vulnerability to embolism in oaks. Forest Ecology and Management, 424, 53–61.

Maréchaux, I., Saint-André, L., Bartlett, M.K., Sack, L. & Chave, J. (2020). Leaf drought tolerance cannot be inferred from classic leaf traits in a tropical rainforest. Journal of Ecology, 108, 1030–1045.

Martínez-Vilalta, J., Cochard, H., Mencuccini, M., Sterck, F., Herrero, A., Korhonen, J.F.J., Llorens, P., Nikinmaa, E., Nolè, A., Poyatos, R., Ripullone, F., Sass-Klaassen, U. & Zweifel, R. (2009). Hydraulic adjustment of Scots pine across Europe. New Phytologist, 184, 353–364.

Rosas, T., Mencuccini, M., Barba, J., Cochard, H., Saura-Mas, S. & Martínez-Vilalta, J. (2019). Adjustments and coordination of hydraulic, leaf and stem traits along a water availability gradient. New Phytologist, 223, 632–646.

Westerband, A.C., Funk, J.L. & Barton, K.E. (2021). Intraspecific trait variation in plants: a renewed focus on its role in ecological processes. Annals of botany, 127, 397–410.